Why do I need an SSL Cert? Print

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First of all, what is SSL? It is short for Secure Sockets Layer. In simple words and without getting into too much technical details, adding a SSL certificate makes the connection to your website more secure and much safer when your users browse, buy and communicate online.

SSL Certification is a must these days; without it your website visitor will recieve a "not secure" message in popular browsers.

Online payments:
If your website accepts credit cards and stores that information online, you will be required to use SSL by the credit card companies and in some cases – by the hosting providers. Also, you would not want someone to steal all your user’s credit cards, right?

Secure the login process and web forms:
Protecting the username and password, as well as all the data a user enters when browsing through your website is vital as it could be intercepted and used by third parties.

Search engine rankings:
Back in 2013, Google announced that pages using SLL certificates will be ranked higher. Later other search engines like Yahoo and Bing included website security to their ranking algorithm as well.

Users' security:
Your users will feel more secure when using your site. Gaining your customers’ trust is very important. Your site visitors will feel safer and will know that whatever information they enter will be securely passed to your server.

Quick SSL:
Quick SSL certificate is the easiest and least expensive to maintain, and is great for personal blogs and websites.

Multi Domain SSL:
Similar to Quick SSL but includes three domains.

True BusinessID SSL:
Green bar in the browser. An True BusinesssID SSL certificate is a top-tier, special type of site certificate that requires a significantly more rigorous identity verification process than other types of certificates, which in turn, provides the highest level of assurance to your visitors.

Wildcard SSL:
The PremiumSSL Wildcard SSL certificate allows site administrators to secure an unlimited number of subdomains of a single domain. It's a perfect solution for websites hosting a single domain with various subdomains, such as mail.domain.com and products.domain.com. PremiumSSL Wildcard is a full business-validated certificate, providing validation of the organization behind the website, making it ideal for business sites that collect sensitive customer data.

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