1. Login to Plesk.
2. Find list of databases.
3. All the tables in your database will appear on the screen.
4. From the list, look for wp_options.
5. Click on the small icon indicated as Browse. A screen will open with a list of the fields within the wp_options table.
6. Under the field option_name, scroll down and look for siteurl. Click the Edit Field icon.
7. In the input box for option_value, carefully change the URL information to the new address. Click Go to save the information.
8. You should be returned to your wp_options table.
9. Look for the home field in the table and click Edit Field. Note There are several pages of tables inside wp_options. Look for the >symbol to page through them.
10. In the input box for option_value, carefully change the URL information to the new address.
11. Verify this is correct and click Go to save the information.
Go to File Manager
add to 'wp-config.php'